Pickleball, (Un)Retirement and the Power of Retirement Planning

A “True Retirement Story” with Carl Landau, host of the “I Used to Be Somebody” podcast and co-author of “Pickleball for Dummies” that highlights the power of retirement planning

Every month I take one episode of “Retirement Revealed” to have a conversation with a retiree to hear their real-life experiences with retirement. It wasn’t long into my conversation with Carl Landau that I started to realize that his retirement journey would be both relatable and entertaining for anyone listening regardless of where they are in the retirement journey.

Carl retired from a career in magazine publishing and event & convention organizing after selling his business in 2019. I really appreciated his advice on how to know when to retire; Carl’s story of what his career felt like in the time leading up to pulling the trigger on retirement was very similar to many retirees I come across.

The term “unretirement” is something Carl talks about a lot, and I think the heart of that concept is one that resonates with a lot of people who are nervous about what retirement will look like when the pressures and deadlines of daily life aren’t coming from a career anymore. Whether it’s focusing on creating meaningful relationships or finding purpose in the things that interest him most, Carl is a great example of someone who is approaching retirement as an opportunity, not an outcome.

You’ll get a kick out of the story of how Carl was approached to write the book “Pickleball for Dummies” after never having written a book before. If you ever wanted proof that retirement can be just as much of an adventure as charting your career path, Carl’s experience with the sport of pickleball is enough proof in and of itself.

If there is one concept that stands out to me from our conversation, it’s the idea that preparing for a fulfilling retirement can pay dividends once you finally reach retirement. Financially, the preparations you make now will certainly dictate a significant amount of your retirement journey, but Carl’s experience and advice on the elements of retirement outside of finances highlight the importance of preparation just as much.

Enjoy this episode with Carl, and don’t forget to leave a rating for the “Retirement Revealed” podcast if you’ve been enjoying these episodes!

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